
What is Safeguarding?
  • Protecting children and those within our community from abuse, neglect or other kinds of harm.
  • Meeting the needs of pupils with medical conditions.
  • Provision of First Aid
  • Effective risk assessment to ensure health and safety needs.
We Safeguard to ensure:
  • Our children are safe from abuse, neglect or other kinds of harm including Bullying and Cyberbullying.
  • Intimate care needs are met
  • Anti-radicalisation
  • Health and safety on educational trips and during school events.
How do we ensure we are effective in our role?
  • We educate those within our school to recognise the signs and dangers which impact on the safety of our children, staff and community.
  • Safeguarding is central to our everyday practice in order to prevent impairment of children’s health and development, ensuring every child grows up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care.
  • We are aware, responsive and pro-active, taking action to enable children to achieve the best outcomes.
Whose responsibility is Safeguarding?
  • Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and others is everyone’s responsibility.
  • Everyone has a role to play in identifying concerns, sharing information and taking prompt action.
Who are the designated Safeguarding lead?
  • Mrs Natalie Drew – Headteacher (Designated Safeguarding Person)
  • Mrs Michelle Lloyd – Deputy Headteacher (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Person)
  • Miss Leah Harris – ALNCo/ Senior Techer (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Person in the absence of the Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher)
  • Mrs Alex Wells – Class Teacher (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Person in the absence of the Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher)
  • You can alternatively contact the Children and Young Person Service (Social Services) directly and in confidence where issues exist outside the school environment 01443 742928
  • You can also contact the Chair of Governors: Mrs Rhian Grundy -Designated Safeguarding Governor who monitors the School’s Safeguarding Policy and Procedures.

If a child make s a disclosure:

 Staff will: –

  • Remember that the priority is to protect the child.
  • Treat the matter seriously.
  • Listen, stay calm and do not judge.
  • Allow the child to continue at their own pace.
  • Tell the child they have done the right thing in talking to a safe adult.
  • Tell the child what will happen where possible. – That they will need to tell someone.
  • Inform the Head Teacher or Deputy Head Teacher (or Safeguarding Designate) of all concerns immediately.

 Staff will not: –

  • Ask leading questions if a child has disclosed concerning information.
  • Speak to anyone about whom the allegations are made (including colleagues).
  • Promise to keep secrets.

Keeping your Child Safe Online.

  • Speak with your child about what they do online.
  • Ask them to show you some of their favourite sites.
  • Show an interest in who their friends are online.
  • Ask them how they decide who to be friends with.
  • Try and get them to add you as a friend online too.
  • Agree the amount of time they spend online and the sites they visit.
  • Think about installing parental controls on their devices.
  • Raise the issue of inappropriate content. Have they seen any?
  • Make sure they know how to report abuse online.
  • Agree on some ground rules regarding how long children spend online, the websites they visit and the activities they take part in.

Information and support for children and parent/carers is available from a number of sources including:

Internet service providers, provide parental controls for laptops, phones, tablets, game consoles and other devices that connect to the internet. Parental controls help you filter or restrict what your child can see online.

Check the privacy settings on your child’s social media accounts to keep personal information private. Talk to them about what to do if they see worrying or upsetting content or if someone contacts them and makes them feel anxious or uncomfortable.

Useful Contacts:

MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub) – To report concerns about a child in RCT

01443 425006


NSPCC Online Safety Helpline – 0808 8005002

999 – Only in an emergency