International School Squad

Our International School Squad is made up of representatives of pupils from Years 2 through to Year 6. Two pupils from each year group are elected during the Autumn Term.  They meet throughout the year to promote our school’s efforts to include international work as part of our curriculum and they help embed it within our school’s culture. They decide which targets they are going to work on and develop an action plan to work on these throughout the year.

International School Squad Action Plan:

International School Action Plan Foundation Level 2023-24


The New Curriculum for Wales states that in addition to Welsh and English, all learners should have the opportunity to learn at least one international language at school. At Llwydcoed Primary School we encourage learners to use their plurilingual skills and strongly believe that learners should recognise the value of being able to use different languages. For this reason we have chosen to teach German throughout the school. To launch the language within the school we ran an International Language Week. Each class took part in a variety of activities designed to enhance our children’s knowledge of German culture and to broaden their minds in terms of their roles as global citizens and understanding of German culture.







Our International Schools Week has been selected as an example of innovative and exciting practice and has featured as a ‘Snippets of Success’ publication. Please see the link below to read the ‘Snippet of Success’:

Snippet of Success

DER DeutschE Derek

Our International School Squad came up with the idea of creating a German mascot competition and Der deutsche Derek was the winner! Der deutsche Derek is our German school mascot and he can be found all around the school in classrooms and on displays. He promotes German culture and phrases and helps our children learn new incidental German.


Internationalism is at the heart of the curriculum at Llwydcoed Primary School. Each topic taught contains international dimensions, in order to ensure that our children receive an education in line with the Curriculum for Wales’ aim to create global and ethically informed citizens. Pupil topic planning takes international themes into consideration; the children are involved in the planning of each of the curriculum’s Four Purposes, meaning that they have a direct input into the direction that each topic takes. Consequently, pupils understand that a global citizenship element is present in all that we do, a purpose which is reiterated in lessons regularly. We run activities for events such as Soccer Aid for UNICEF, have a Rights Respecting Rangers crew who promote human rights within the school, have an annual Grounds Week to promote taking care of our environment and we look at global festivals such as Chinese New Year to celebrate different cultures.

international school award

The International Schools Award is designed to celebrate school’s efforts to include international work as part of their curriculum and also helps to embed it within the school’s culture. The programme supports and recognises schools in fostering an international ethos throughout the school and embedding it within the curriculum. We are currently working towards achieving the Foundation Level International Schools Award and hope to achieve this in Summer Term 2024.